Monday, January 27, 2014

Ski the Farm!

Well that title is not quite accurate, but the deal is we are not local and for MLK weekend we were considering a ski trip or a trip to Tryon Farm.  We managed both by driving from Tryon up to Bittersweet, a ski area about one hour north in Michigan.  Our mostly novice crew had a fine time.  The ski hill is not large but neither is the lift ticket price, and you end up as invigorated, and fatigued as you do in Colorado.  Stopped at Timothy's at the Gordon Beach Inn on the way home, where they offer ten different entrees at $10 each on Sunday nights to pull folks out of their homes on cold nights. Skiing generates a powerful appetite, which Timothy's sated.  We retreated to 31 TFL where the radiant heat from the floor and the radiating heat from the wood stove lulled us in to that deep apres-ski sleep. (2/19/2014, Noonans at the farm, 10)