Monday, May 6, 2013

Running Wild

If the pinnacle of running boredom is the treadmill, then the polar opposite is trail running.  You get the beauty all around you, but also the focus required by a natural landscape that will trip you up if you do not pay attention.  Mindless trudging is not permitted.  I do not run often, but I run the trails at Tryon.  I focus on the footing that changes from prairie to woods to dune.  I spot the occasional creature--box turtle, snake, deer.  There is something primal about it that is pure, and the primal setting is a lot easier on the joints than pavement.

Want to take a lap?  The Tryon Farm 5/10/50K is May 18th.  More information is available on the Tryon Farm website. (Noonans at the Farm: three now, but lots more for the run.)