Saturday, September 8, 2012

Natural Swimming Area (cont'd)

We did not swim before Labor Day.  Perhaps I meant the next Labor Day.  In any event, the work has commenced.  There is a large hole (Olympic-size, Mr. Lochte) and a large liner within it that some skilled craftsperson is seaming, if that is the word, or sealing the seam, if that is the phrase.  In any event, the goal is that the water stay where it is put, except for some splashing and circulation over plant life.  We are making steady progress, subject to delays for two weddings in the barn, which I am told will proceed on separate weekends despite the unscheduled descent of the barn chandelier.  (What, your barn has no chandelier?)  I won't say never a dull moment, but I will point out that our dull moments are enlivened by the croaking of frogs, the chatter of chickadees, and the leaping of the deer through the prairie grass, and soon the splashes of swimmers.